she/him femme - internet observer - lover of little creatures and strange stories

Hello!! My name is Daro, or Alannah! I made this website because I got sick of social media and fell in love with the small web. Social media is weird, it makes people stressed out and scared and flattens millions of users into a single demographic so there's so much in-fighting... I like personal websites. It's like being invited into someone's house. Thanks for visiting my house!

I'm an art school grad who kind of hated making art by the time I left university, so I'm still trying to figure out my boundaries when it comes to that. Maybe I'll figure out a sustainable way to make art for a living, but right now I need to fall back in love with it first. I'm not in a rush. As long as I have enough money to live I'm content with my simple life of drawing silly pictures, collecting cool clothes, playing fun and weird games, and kissing a pretty girl.

You wanna message me about anything? send me an email at wodaro.art @gmail.com


-Medieval imagery/art, especially illuminated manuscripts (I need to find good books to research this more)

-1910s-1920s fashion, or just vintage fashion and clothes in general.

-My own D&D campaign. I record the sessions and listen to them like my own little podcast... visit my Soren shrine btw I promise I'll update it soon.

cute pic of me goes here laterrrrr

Link to me with this:

Plans for this site:

  1. Update Soren page more (ALWAYS TOP O' THE LIST)
  2. Add more little drawings to spuce up the place
  3. Upload my zines/art (this might take a bit since I'm not super confident abt my work right now, eventually I want to have a portfolio here)
  4. Make a link archive of cool/useful sites

You can also find me in these places:



